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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Putting it all in Perspective

I've officially given up my watch for swimming purposes. I don't care how slow I am. I am just going to get some exercise and maintain some fitness. I don't have any races for a long time, so it was just stressing me out to see myself get slower each workout. So, no more watch for me...for now!

Otherwise, not much to report. Just turned 37 a few days ago, so I'm on the slippery down slope to 40. Trying to remember that I do have a few years left with a 3 in front of my 2-digit age. I just don't feel 37, but who knows what 37 is supposed to feel like?!

Work continues to be busy, but I'm doing well so far. I got to be part of a finalist presentation for a prospect on Monday in Pittsburgh. I didn't flub my script too badly. Now, I will keep my fingers crossed that we will win the work. Hard to know what to expect when all of your major competitors are also bidding on the work. I think we are the best though (of course). Wish us luck!

I leave you with a picture of me in the new suit I purchased just for this meeting.


Blogger E-Speed said...

All I know is when I hang out with you I don't feel like your 37 either, whatever the heck that is supposed to feel like! You feel just like my age which is soon to be 27, so you are a young 37!

9:49 AM

Blogger The Salty One said...

Look how cute you are! I hope it went well!!

And you certainly don't seem that old to me either... haha. JOKE that I can say because I'm almost as old :) Look at Elizabeth rubbing it in how young she is!! Really though, As they say, age ain't nothing but a number.

(BTW on Sunday I saw on Facebook that your b-day was Monday and if I could get on Facebook when I'm on a computer ALL DAY LONG I would have remembered to wish you a happy birthday on time, but alas I did not so here is a late happy birthday!) So, Happy Birthday!!!

4:53 PM

Blogger Trisaratops said...

You are such a LIAR YOU ARE NOT 37.

I swear. You don't look a day over 30 to me!



Good luck on the presentation! Love the suit!

9:29 PM

Blogger triguyjt said...

you look great in that outfit!!!

good luck on getting that deal done,,,.,,

1:20 PM

Blogger Matt Collister said...


4:15 PM


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