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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween pics

Here are some pictures taken on Halloween. I was Batman at work (I didn't win the costume contest - there were much better choices) and for trick-or-treating. Matt wore the funny clown wig, which the little kids absolutely loved.

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Silly BatJen
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Here's me in the clown wig.
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The pumpkin I carved
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Matt and his pumpkin (his group went with the animal house theme - he put those letters on the sweatshirt himself)

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Blogger The Blights said...

Very cool costume! Great run last night too. I forgot how much I missed the shoreway!

9:34 AM

Blogger Jodi said...

Love the pictures! I'm opting out of putting my belly dancer images on the web...


5:16 PM

Blogger Trisaratops said...

Ha ha! Those are awesome! Love the wig. :)

10:48 PM

Blogger E-Speed said...

LOL I LOVE the first pic. So freaking cute!

12:26 AM


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