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Friday, May 25, 2007

7 Random Things

I have been tagged by Craig and DaisyDuc to list 7 random things about me, so here goes.

7. While I am a mathematician by trade, I believe in the zodiac signs - general traits, not daily horoscope. I'm a Libra.

6. My dad was in the Army for 20+ years, so before he and my mother split, my brother and I lived in Alabama for 2 years and Germany for 7 years before moving to Canton, Ohio upon their divorce when I was 9 and he was 7. Ich spreche Deutsch ein wenig. (Hablo español mejor que alemán - Jen, that one's for you.)

5. I absolutely love cereal, especially the sugary kind. My husband calls it FDC (Fine Dessert Cereal). Thankfully, he makes me eat a real meal before having my FDC.

4. Before I turned 30, I was extremely, painfully shy. My yearbook entries say "to a nice, quiet girl who always had a smile on her face." Smile? yes... easy conversation? no. Between being a consultant for a living, this athletic lifestyle, and all the cool friends I have made, that has changed dramatically for the better.

3. I was the stroke and starboard stroke (a switch hitter) for an 8-woman rowing crew for 4 summers (2002-2005). We called ourselves the "Dirty Oars". They are some of the funnest, rowdiest woman I have ever met. I miss them.

2. I'm going for my first 6-hour bike ride tomorrow. I hope it doesn't rain/storm too much. Downhills on wet roads terrify me. Lightning won't make that any better.

1. When I was single, married people would say "When you meet the right person, you will know." I thought that was utter crap, especially as I had already married one person and it didn't work out. Then, I met Matt and soon after told my BF that he was "it". I am a true believer and benefited from being patient. Love you Matt!

I shall tag Jodi and Jen.


Blogger E-Speed said...

I hope your bike ride is going well!

8:36 AM

Blogger Charlie said...

hope your rain was lite.
lightning never came for my pm 6 hr ride

11:06 PM

Blogger Janet Edwards said...

Hope the ride was good. Glad you found it (#!1)!!!

7:08 PM

Blogger GP said...

I'm catching up on life in the blogosphere, but I wanted to congratulate you on a great Cleveland half! I was really bummed to have missed it, but have truly enjoyed reading everyone else's success stories! Fortunately, you weren't part of the 10Kers who... were led astray.

Continued best wishes on your Ironman training. I can't believe it's fewer than 60 days away. Now that's a race I look forward to reading about!

9:53 AM

Blogger Jen said...

Me impresiona que requerdas tanto espanol y que escribes correctamente ... pero no me sorprende, mi amiga. :)

I am so, sooo glad that your family landed in Canton, two doors down from my house. You are such a great friend!!

btw, I ran 3 miles on Monday. Yeah!! :D

I just finished my 7 on my blog. It was fun to do. Gracias!

10:57 PM


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