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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Not gone, just busy

My blogging ethic has been deplorable! I do think about posts all the time and read all of my buddy's posts.

Work madness is starting to settle. That is good from a personal life standpoint, but not sure how I feel about the direction my particular niche of the business is going long-term. It is too bad defined benefit plans are going the way of the dodo. They really are the most efficient delivery of retirement benefits and allow employees to afford to retire. I realize that 401(k) plans make more sense to the average employee, but I could shake each and every one that chooses that plan over the defined benefit plan. Good luck guaranteeing you'll make enough money through your own savings (even with the company match) to last you through retirement. Not that I don't think that these plans have their place alongside DB plans. I suppose eventually I'll need to find a different way to make money with my mad problem-solving skillz. Enough soap box and debbie downer attitude!

Right now, I am not doing much triathlon specific training. I'm fighting a hip flexor injury. I thought I'd work at stretching and strengthening it (two things sorely lacking in my post-baby workout plan), but I think I need a doc's help to fully rehab. I've got my appointment on Friday. Wish me luck, because I have a half-Ironman coming up in June and I need to be running again!!

In the meantime, I'm doing some P90X - bringing it in fact. Mostly, I'm doing just the strength and yoga videos and using biking/swimming as my cardio. I can already tell I'm getting stronger and more flexible. Hopefully, it will pay off once the half-IM training plan ramps up.

I'm also of course raising my sweet little boy. I swear he is the happiest kid and I'm so grateful that he is the way he is! He spends most of his time pulling himself up on things and I'm sure walking won't be too far away. Fun times!