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Friday, December 04, 2009

Personal Worst or Personal Best?!!

I can't believe it but I actually have a race report to write. On Thanksgiving, I participated in my 8th Cleveland Turkey Trot. It was a personal worst as a runner, but a personal best as a pregnant lady.

The day dawned rainy and cool, but by the time we got out there, it was sunny and mild. Uh oh, we all overdressed! I had an entourage accompany me for the race. My husband and sister-in-law paced me and we had fellow preggo, Bridget and her husband Steve join us.

Bridget and I recalled that the course went past the Muni lot, so porta potties should be available. Unfortunately, they changed the course this year and we never went past the Muni lot. Doh! Instead, we got to see such sights as The Crazy Horse and Bada Bing Gentleman's Club!

Along the way, Bridget and I eyed parking lots and buildings to see if any would serve as a makeshift potty. None ever seemed right, so we sucked it up till the end. The pregnant bladder is nothing to mess with, but we are "in the trimester of well being", so the babies weren't too uncooperative.

We took a few walk breaks along the way and my shins didn't warm up till mile 3, but I knew we'd make the full 5 miles. It was just so nice to chat with everyone along the way. Seriously, I think I like these kind of races better than trying to race for time.

Eventually, we hit the finish line in 1:06:30 or so. Bridget and I joked that we were going to push each other out of the way in the attempt to be the first across the line, but we ending crossing together.

All in all, it was a great morning for a run and I'm really glad I got out there to do it with such fabulous company!

Next up is the Reindeer Run 5k this weekend with a bunch of runner friends, including 4 other preggos. Good times and great pancakes ahead!

Me during the Trot (why don't I look pregnant in this shot?)

Matt, Maggie and me at the end

Maggie, Bridget and me climbing the dreaded W. 3 hill

My entourage minus Matt (the photographer)

Bridget and me crossing together


Blogger Matt Collister said...

Had fun trotting with you!

6:21 PM


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